How to share a document

In this article, we take a closer look at document sharing: the ability to invite others to sign, approve or simply access your uploaded documents. In the Dokobit portal, this action is called "adding participants".

Note: PDF format documents can contain a maximum of 40 signatures. Container-based documents (ASiC, ADoc, BDoc, EDoc) do not have any particular limits for the number of added signatures; however, we don't recommend adding more than 100.

How to add participants: an overview


Uploading a document to the portal is a four-step process. In this guide, we will skip the first two steps (1. choosing the document format; 2. uploading the file) and jump right ahead to step number 3 for adding participants. If necessary, you can first get familiar with the overall document uploading process here: How to upload and sign a document

Now that you're ready to share your uploaded documents with others, here's a visual overview of this step:

While this section mainly serves one purpose (please note that the "workflow" function has a separate article here), it consists of three ways to add participants to a document. Here's a detailed breakdown of each one: ↓

Option 1: the main "Add" button

↑ Press the button above to open the document-sharing window below. ↓

In this window, you can choose between three tabs that provide you with three different ways to add participants:

  1. "Address book" → The address book is a convenient tool that can speed up the process of sharing documents with frequently added participants. If you're an experienced Dokobit user who has already added contacts to it, use this tab to add participants to your document.

  2. "Personal code" → Only available for Belgian, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, and Swedish citizens.

    Sharing a document with someone's personal code means that you are adding an additional security measure by requiring the receiver to first authenticate to view the contents of the shared document before signing it.

  3. "Email address" → If you want to add a participant that is not listed in your address book and you don't need to add an additional security measure by providing their personal code, use this tab to enter the recipient's email address.

Option 2: the "Quick add" buttons

If you're in a little bit of a hurry, you can use one of the three icons, as seen in the image above, to quickly access the necessary tab of the previously mentioned window for adding participants.

These icons are listed in the following order:

  1. "Address book";
  2. "Personal code";
  3. "Email address".

Option 3: the search bar

The search bar is a convenient way to quickly lookup existing contacts in your address book. Just begin typing their name, email, or personal code, then hover over the suggested result, and with one press of a button, add them to the document without needlessly going through any additional steps.

How to add additional participants to documents that have already been uploaded

1.0. In the Dokobit portal, open the document that needs to be shared with additional participants. Then at the top of the page, press the “Share” shortcut button.

1.1. In the following window, you will be able to choose from three tabs that provide you with three different ways to add participants. Please refer to the section "How to add participants: an overview" for additional information on these tabs.

How to edit participants that have been added to documents

Please visit this article to find out more.

How to share documents with nonusers of the Dokobit portal

Dokobit users who have purchased a paid plan subscription can allow other invited participants to access documents without requiring them to register a portal account first. This functionality is called "accountless signing". Please visit this article to find out more.

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