Document access management and changing user roles

You can change user roles after the document is already uploaded (role changes are available for paid plan users). You can also delete users, that you already shared a document with if they have not signed or approved it yet.

To change user role

1. Open the document, locate section no. 3 "Participants" and click on the "Edit" button. Note: this button is only visible to the document owner, company administrator, or if you have document category editing rights that this document is added to.

2. In the "Edit participants" window adjust user roles as necessary by choosing participant role from the dropdown list.

3. You can also delete the user by clicking on the trash bin icon next to their name.

4. Click the "Save" button to finish the action.

Note: you will not be able to delete or change the roles of the users who have already signed or approved the document or delete the users who have been assigned by a document category. To delete participants who were added with the document category, first remove the document category from the document.

User role can also be chosen at the time of sharing a document.

To change document owner

If you are a document owner or a company administrator you can grant document owning rights to any of your company users. 

5. Open the document, locate section no. 3 "Participants" and click on the "Edit" button.

6. In the "Edit participants" window click the "Document owner" button.

7. Search for required company user using the search bar by entering a name or email address or locate the person from the list and click "Select user".

8. Make sure you have selected the right person and click the "Transfer" button.

9. If the person has not previously been added as required to sign, the document owner will now be able to review the document. 

10. All document owning rights now belong to the selected user.

To revoke access from already invited participants

You will only be able to revoke access from the participants if they did not sign or approve the document yet.

11. Open the document, locate section no. 3 "Participants" and click on the "Edit" button.

12. Click the trash bin icon next to the person you want to revoke access to and click "Save".

13. Participants can also be removed by clicking "…” (ellipsis) and the "Remove participant” button next to their name in the no. 3 "Participants” section.

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