Address book and contact categories
If you'd like to share documents more easily, we offer the possibility of adding contacts to your address book and categorizing them based on your requirements – this will help decrease the time spent on sending document invitations.
In this article:
How to add a new contact to your address book
1.0. Log in to the portal, and go to the settings by either pressing the gear icon (located at the top, right side of the screen) or by pressing your name to reveal the drop-down menu and then selecting "Settings".
Gear icon:
Drop-down menu:
1.1. On the left side of the page, choose the category "Address book".
1.2. In the subsection "Contacts", press "Create new contact".
1.3. Fill in all of the necessary fields and press "Create".
Note: "Business" and "Enterprise" account owners and admins can also share the contact among all of the added Dokobit user accounts by checking the box "Share this contact in the organisation".
How to edit a contact or delete them from your address book
2.0. Go to the "Address book" category of your settings, as described in the 1.0 and 1.1. steps of this support article.
2.1. In the subsection "Contacts", choose the contact you'd like to edit or delete and press the "Actions" button, which is located next to their information on the right.
2.2. Press on the action of your choice.
- If you choose to edit the contact, make all the necessary changes and press "Save".
- If you choose to delete a contact, confirm the action by pressing "Yes, delete it".
How to add a new contact category in your address book
3.0. Go to the "Address book" category of your settings, as described in the 1.0 and 1.1. steps of this support article.
3.1. In the subsection "Contact categories", press "Create new category".
3.2. Fill in the required information and press "Create".
Note: "Business" and "Enterprise" account owners and admins can also share the category among all of the added Dokobit user accounts by checking the box "Shared in company".
How to edit or delete a contact category from your address book
4.0. Go to the "Address book" category of your settings, as described in the 1.0 and 1.1. steps of this support article.
4.1. In the subsection "Contact categories", press the "Actions" button located on the right and then pick the action of your choice.
- If you choose to assign new contacts, make all the necessary changes and press "Assign".
- If you choose to edit the category, make all the necessary changes and press "Save".
- If you choose to delete the contact category, confirm the action by pressing "Yes, delete it".