The workflow feature allows you to set up a sequence of document approving and signing actions. Using workflows you can define the first person to sign or approve the document and only then the second one will be invited to take appointed action - approve or sign, and only after the second person completes the action, the third one will be invited and so on. Participants in the sequence can also be put parallelly in groups, which means that the sequence can be made from individuals and/or from groups of people.
1.0. At the time of uploading the document, locate the section no. 3, called “Add participants” and toggle the button to turn on the “Workflow”.
1.1. You can add participants to the document using the “Add participant" or "Address book" buttons.
1.2. When you will add more than one participant, you will see all of them in the numbered list.
1.3. To change the sequence of the participants you can drag their participant cards up and down.
1.4. You can also change their sequence number next to their name.
1.5. To group participants in parallel order, drag and align participant cards until you see the “Add in parallel” notification or enter the same numbers next to participant names.
1.6. To delete a participant, click the trash can icon in the respective row.
1.7. To switch a participant role choose it from the dropdown list.
1.8. Set additional document options if necessary and continue with document upload.
To edit or set up a workflow when a document is already uploaded
2.0. Open the document and click the “Edit” button in section no. 3 “Participants”.
2.1. To enable a sequence set up, toggle the button to turn on the “Workflow”.
Note: if a workflow functionality is turned on after a document was already uploaded, only the participants whose turn it is according to the set workflow will have access to it. Other participants will not be able to sign or approve it until their turn comes. If someone tries to access the document before their turn, they will see an error message when opening the invitation link to sign or approve.
2.2. Edit the sequence of participants by dragging their participant cards or changing the numbers next to their names.
2.3. To switch a participant role choose it from the dropdown list.
2.4. To delete a participant, click a trash can icon next to their name.
2.5. You can also remove the participant by clicking the button on the right side and "Remove participant” button next to their name in the no. 3 “Participants” section.