Signatures with reason

Signature with reason allows you to specify for what purpose the document needs to be signed. You can choose between 3 already customized signature reasons or set a custom reason by yourself.

Three already customized signature reasons available in Dokobit:

  • Acknowledgment - confirming that a document has been read and is accepted by the signing party agreeing with the provided information;
  • Copy-certification - confirming that the copy of a document is real. 
  • Visa - officially certifying that the document has been examined and found correct;

Note: Signature reason functionality is available for "Professional", "Business", and "Enterprise" plan users.

You can specify the signing reason when you upload a document and share it with other participants. 

1. While uploading the document to the Dokobit portal, select the participant role next to their name as "Signature with reason". Then choose one of the three already customized signature reasons or set custom reason.

2. You can change the signature reason by editing the participants. Note: the signature reason for the participants could not be changed after they sign the document.

3. If you were invited to sign the document, you will see the signing reason when you open the document.

4. After the document is signed, you will see the signature reason next to the participant's information in the metadata. You will also see the signing reason in the signature annotation on the document itself (if it is a PDF document). 

To set signature's custom reason 

5. While uploading the document, select the participant's role as "Signature with reason". Then choose "Set custom reason".

6. After selecting the option to "Set custom reason", the new window will appear where you will be able to enter the signature reason. Note: the text should be up to 100 characters. The custom reason will be visible in the signature annotation and the document's audit trail.

7. You will be able to edit or remove the custom signature's reason or change it to one of the three already customized signature reasons. You will be able to do that during the step "Add participants" or by editing the participants in the next step. Note: the signature reason for the participant could not be changed after he signs the document.

8. After the document is signed, you will see the signature reason next to the participant's information in the metadata. You will also see the signing reason in the signature annotation on the document itself (if it is a PDF document). 

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