Annotation position
In the Dokobit portal, while uploading the document for signing, you can select the preferred signature's annotation position. The annotation could be visible on the top of the document's first or the last page, at the bottom of the document's first or the last page, or you could choose not to use signature annotations at all.
Note: the signature's annotation position will be selected for all participants. Annotations will be visible on the signed PDF format documents.
To select signature's annotation position
1. When uploading the document and adding the participants, in section "4. Set document options," click on the arrow next to the "Annotation position" and select the preferred annotation's position. Note: the option to choose the annotation position will be available only at this step. You will not be able to select or change the position after clicking "Send" or after signing the document.
Annotation's position on the signed document
2. After all parties sign the document, open the document in the Dokobit portal and download it by clicking the "Download signed document" button located at the bottom of the page. The signature annotation will be visible in the position that was selected when uploading the document.
3. If you have selected the annotation position as "First page - top," the annotation will be visible on the left upper corner of the signed document's first page. If the selected annotation position is "Last page - top," the annotation will be visible on the left upper corner of the signed document's last page.
4. If you have selected the annotation position as "First page - bottom," the annotation will be visible on the left corner at the bottom of the first page. If the selected annotation position is "Last page - bottom," the annotation will be visible on the left corner at the bottom of the last page.
5. If you have selected "Do not use annotations," the signature annotations will not be visible on the signed document.
To choose whether personal code could be visible in the signature's annotation
The "Business" and "Enterprise" plan users can choose whether their personal code could be visible in the signature annotations or not. The company account administrator can set a default setting for all company account users, whether their personal codes be visible in the annotations. The administrator could also choose whether these settings could be overridden by company users or not.
6. When uploading the document and adding the participants, in section "4. Set document options," check the box "Show personal code in signature's annotation" if you prefer that your personal code be visible on the signed PDF document.
7. After the document is signed the personal code will be visible in the signature's annotation.
8. If you prefer not to show your personal code in the signature's annotation, leave the box "Show personal code in signature's annotation" unchecked.
9. If the account administrator allowed company users to override the default option, even though the default option will automatically be applied, users would be able to change it by checking or unchecking the box "Show personal code in signature's annotation".
10. If the "Do not allow overriding" option is set by the account administrator, in such a case, company users will not be able to change these settings. When uploading the document, the "Show personal code in signature's annotation" field will be inactive, and only the option set by the account's administrator could be applied.