How to download a document

In the Dokobit portal, a user can decide whether to download the original file of an uploaded document or the signed copy of it.

How to download the original copy of a document

Note: Document originals do not contain signatures.

1.0. Open the necessary document from your "Documents" listing page.

1.1. Scroll down to section "2. Documents". On the right side of the uploaded file, press "Download original".

Note: The downloaded document will be in the same format as the originally uploaded file.

How to download the signed copy of a document

Note: Before downloading the document, make sure that it contains all of the expected signatures.

2.0. Open the necessary document from your "Documents" listing page.

2.1. Once it has been opened, you will be able to download the signed document in one of two ways, depending on the status of its signatures.

Option 1:

At the top of the page, you can press the "Download" button. Pressing this button will allow you to download the document, even if it is only partially signed.

Option 2:

When scrolling down to section "4. Actions", you can press "Download signed document". This button will be visible only if you were added as a signing participant and also finished signing the document.

How to download multiple documents at once

Note: Before downloading the documents, make sure that they contain all of the expected signatures.

3.0. Mark the necessary documents by hovering over them and adding a checkmark.

3.1. In the row above the documents, an additional toolbar will appear. Press "Download". A ZIP file with all of the selected documents will be downloaded to your device.

Note: If necessary, you can use the "Select all" button from the toolbar to select every document on that page before downloading them. However, please be aware that you can only download up to 50 documents at a time.

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