My account details

Your account information is located in your settings under the "My profile" category. There you can edit your personal details, remove added mobile devices, specify notification and newsletter preferences, add email aliases, and delete your account if necessary.

How to edit your personal details

1.0. Log in to the portal, and go to the settings by either pressing the gear icon (located at the top, right side of the screen) or by pressing on your name to reveal the drop-down menu and then selecting "Settings".

Gear icon:

Drop-down menu:

1.1. On the left side of the page, choose the category "My profile". Then press the "Change" button next to "Personal details".

1.2. Fill in all of the necessary fields and press "Save" at the end.

→ If the company name is provided, it will appear in email notifications that get sent to people who you've invited to sign, approve or view a document.  

→ The setting for "Email notification and signature annotation language" determines the language of emails and notifications you receive from the system and the language of the signature annotation that gets displayed on signed PDF documents.

Note: You will not be able to edit your name, surname, or personal code. In the Dokobit portal, this information is provided according to your electronic signature certificate. If you have changed your name or surname, you should renew your e-signature certificate. In these cases, we recommend contacting the authority that issued your electronic signature.

How to remove a mobile device

2.0. Go to the "My profile" category of your settings, as described in the 1.0. and 1.1. steps of this support article.

2.1. In the section "Your mobile devices", you will see a list of mobile devices that you have used to log in to your Dokobit account. By removing them, you will be signed out of your Dokobit account on that device and will no longer receive notifications on it until you log back in again.

How to edit your notification preferences

3.0. Go to the "My profile" category of your settings, as described in the 1.0. and 1.1. steps of this support article.

3.1. At the bottom of the page, in the "Newsletters" and "Notifications" sections, you will be able to toggle these settings to switch them on or off. 

If you've downloaded and connected the Dokobit mobile app to your account, you will be given the option to change the notification settings for the app and your email.

If the Dokobit mobile app hasn't been connected to your account, you will only have the option to change the notification settings for your email.

How to add email aliases

Summary: If you tend to use multiple email addresses on a daily basis, you can add them as aliases to your Dokobit account to ensure that you receive documents that were addressed to you. Follow the steps below to find out how. ↓


  • The email addresses that are added as aliases will no longer be available for creating new Dokobit accounts.
  • To keep your personal and company documents separate, we recommend not adding your personal email address as an alias to your company account.

4.0. Go to the "My profile" category of your settings, as described in the 1.0. and 1.1. steps of this support article.

4.1. In the "Account aliases" section, press "Add an alias".

4.2. A new window will pop up. Enter the email address in the presented field and press "Continue". 

4.3. You will then be sent a verification email asking you to verify the provided email address. Once you press "Verify email address", the alias will have been successfully added.

How to delete your account

5.0. Go to the "My profile" category of your settings, as described in the 1.0. and 1.1. steps of this support article.

5.1. Press the "Delete account" button at the bottom right corner of your profile page and confirm the action.


All documents and data associated with this account will be permanently deleted, and you will not be able to recover them later. Documents that were signed by other parties will still be accessible in their accounts. Before you delete your account, we recommend first downloading all the documents that you want to keep.

If you have been added as a company account user, then the "Delete account" button will be inactive because only the company account owner or administrator is able to delete the accounts of added users. If necessary, please reach out to them for further assistance.

If you were experiencing any issues or if the Dokobit portal did not meet your needs, we would really appreciate it if you could let us know by reaching out to us at Your feedback is important to us.

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