How to cancel a paid plan subscription

A paid plan subscription can be canceled at any time by following the steps below. ↓

1. Log in to the portal, and go to the settings by either clicking on the gear icon (located at the top, right side of the screen) or by clicking on your name to reveal the drop-down menu and then selecting "Settings".

Gear icon:

Drop-down menu:

2. On the left side of the screen, choose the category "Billing".

3. In the "Overview" section, click the link "Cancel plan subscription".


  • Your paid plan features will still be available until the indicated plan validity date. Afterward, it will automatically be downgraded to the "Free" plan.
  • When canceling a "Business" plan subscription, be aware that any added company users will also be downgraded to the "Free" plan, and you will no longer have access to their data.

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