How to switch between multiple accounts

Each Dokobit user has the ability to create multiple accounts. If it feels a little bit tricky navigating between them, we've created this guide to help you out.

A brief overview of user roles in different Dokobit accounts

Depending on the type of account that is being used in the portal, there are certain roles that you, as a user, can hold.

→ A "Free" user account

An introductory, single-user account that allows you to try out some of the basic portal functions for free (access to paid plan features is limited). As a "Free" account user, you can:

  • sign, and share up to 3 documents every 30 days;
  • validate up to 3 documents every 30 days;
  • upload and store up to 100 MB of documents;
  • manage basic settings in the account.

If a "Free" user is interested in maintaining a single-user account for private use while unlocking some of the paid plan features, they can purchase a "Professional" subscription.

→ A company account owner

A person who has either registered and purchased a company account or has been transferred the ownership rights of an already existing account by a previous owner.

When it comes to multi-user subscriptions ("Business" and "Enterprise"), this role indicates the ownership rights over the whole group of added users that were connected to the account as well as their uploaded documents. As a company account owner, you can:

  • purchase additional user slots;
  • invite your colleagues to join the account;
  • later suspend or delete these user accounts;
  • gain access to documents that were uploaded or received by other users;
  • review invoices that were issued for the account;
  • upgrade or downgrade the subscription;
  • manage other basic settings in the account.

→ A company user account

A user who has accepted an invitation to join a company account in the Dokobit portal. As a company account user, you can access portal functions that are included in the subscription that was purchased by the company account owner.

→ An account administrator

A company account user who has been promoted to administrator by the company account owner or another administrator of the account. An administrator can be granted visibility rights to other users' documents in the portal if necessary and has the same portal management rights as the company account owner but with a few exceptions. As an administrator, you can't:

  • block or delete the owner's account;
  • upgrade or downgrade the subscription;
  • review invoices that were issued for the account along with other billing details.

How to switch between your Dokobit accounts once you're logged into the portal

1.0. At the top right corner of the screen, press on your name to open the drop-down menu. If you have more than three additional Dokobit accounts, you will see a "Switch account" option. Press on it to expand the list of all your current accounts.

1.1. Then, simply press on the account you'd like to switch to.


  • Next time you sign into the portal, you will be automatically switched to the account that was used most recently.
  • If someone shares a document with you by only listing your personal code, the document will be shared with the account that was used most recently.

How to rename a Dokobit account

2.0. Switch to the account for which you'd like to edit these settings, as described in the 1.0. and 1.1. steps of this support article.

2.1. Go to the settings by either pressing the gear icon (located at the top, right side of the screen) or by pressing on your name to reveal the drop-down menu and then selecting "Settings".

Gear icon:

Drop-down menu:

2.2. On the left side of the page, choose the category "My profile". Then press the "Change" button next to "Personal details".

2.3. Make the necessary changes in the "Company name" field and then press "Save".

Once the company name is provided, it will appear in email notifications that get sent to people who you've invited to sign, approve or view a document, as can be seen in the example image below.

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