How to get and start using Norwegian BankID and BankID on mobile for authentication and document signing?

BankID is a Norwegian electronic identification tool, that could be used for logging on to online banking, as well as, for authentication and document signing. In order to use it, you will first need to contact your bank regarding the issuance of a BankID. 

In addition to BankID, you will also be able to activate BankID on mobile. BankID on mobile is a tool that can be used for authentication and signing using the mobile phone and most Norwegian mobile operators and banks offer it. 

More information about BankID and BankID on mobile and how to get it can be found here.

Authentication and signing using BankID - when performing authentication or signing with BankID, a new window will open, where you will be asked to enter your national ID number, one-time code (from the code unit or app), and personal password. You will then need to confirm the action.

Authentication and signing using BankID on mobile - when performing authentication or signing with BankID on mobile, a new window will open, where you will be asked to enter your mobile number and date of birth, then the reference code should appear on the screen. You will then should receive a message to your mobile that should also contain the same reference code. You will need to check and verify that this is the same code and confirm by entering your self-chosen PIN for BankID on mobile. 

How to register an account to the Dokobit portal using BankID and BankID on mobile?

1. Follow this link and find Norway in the countries list. Select the BankID option.

2. Choose whether you want to use BankID or BankID on mobile as an identification method.


3.1. Enter your User ID. It is your Norwegian national ID number that consists of 11 digits.

3.2. Enter the One time code (from code unit or app).

3.3. Enter the personal password.

3.4. Confirm the identity verification by clicking "OK".

BankID on mobile

4.1. Enter your mobile number and date of birth. Once you have done this, a reference code will appear. 

4.2. You will receive a message to your mobile that will also contain the same reference code and you will need to verify that this is the same code. Confirm by entering your self-chosen PIN for BankID on mobile. 

5. After successful identification, you will be taken to the second step of the registration process. In the new window, you will need to enter your email address and re-enter it for security purposes. Please read our Terms of Services and check the box in order to agree to them. Select if you would like to receive occasional news and offers from Dokobit and then press "Register" to continue.

Note: please use an email address that belongs to you.

6. Verification email will now be sent to your email address.

7. Open the verification email and click the "Activate" button. You will then be taken to your Dokobit account.

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