
In the Dokobit portal, we offer the possibility to set signing deadlines for documents that have been shared with added signers. Generally, this functionality enables our system to send out an email reminder to those added participants whose signatures are still pending; however, when a hard deadline is added, it can also block the added participants from signing past a specific due date.

Note: This feature is available for paid plan users only.

How to set a signing deadline

Key aspects:

  • A single automatic email reminder is sent out to the added signing participants 24 hours before the due date.
  • It is only sent to those participants whose signatures are still pending.
  • It is not sent between 7 PM and 7 AM (in each user's timezone). 
  • It cannot be received by those participants whose notifications are turned off in their account settings.

1.0. At the top right side of the screen (right under your name), press the "Upload document" button.

1.1. Fill out all of the necessary information in the first three steps of the document uploading process.

1.2. When you get to the fourth step, you will be given the choice to set several document settings, as seen in the image example below.

Near the top, the second option is the setting for setting a signing deadline. Press the rectangle that says "Pick a date" to open the calendar.

1.3. Here you can select the precise time and date for the deadline. You can also decide what action the system should take once the deadline arrives by adding or removing a checkmark next to "Do not allow signing after deadline". Once you've set the desired settings, press "Done".

Soft deadline

Hard deadline

1.4. When you're done filling out all the steps, press "Send" at the bottom of the page to share the document with your added participants.

How to change or remove a signing deadline

Note: This action can be performed by the document owner only.

2.0. Open the necessary document.

2.1. In the section "1. Information", right under the name of the document, you will see the signing deadline that has been set.

2.2. To change the deadline, press on the rectangle and choose a new time and/or date. To remove the deadline altogether, press "x" on the right.

Note: If a deadline is changed, the system will send an email notification to the added participants, informing them of the adjustment that was made.

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